Published on June 12th, 2018
By Nat Kunes
It’s a jungle out there. Legacy employment is a thing of the past; today’s fresh talent is motivated, not afraid to ask for what they want, and they might move from job to job when a better opportunity arises. To find top performers, here are five rules that you can follow:
1. Impress Today’s Workforce: Website
Having a modern website is critical to you finding the best talent. Word-of-mouth and referrals are still important, but the internet is where people will perform the majority of their research on what your company does and what it offers. Ensure that your website has a dedicated page for careers that delivers the following to job-seekers so they get a good first impression:
- Company description
- Current job openings
- Online application process
- Benefits and perks
- Contact information
Make sure your content speaks to job-seekers and don’t be afraid to post pictures of the inside and outside of the office if you have fun perks to entice people to apply. If you have any company awards or employee testimonials, this is a great place to showcase them as well.
2. Be Where the Workforce Is: Social Media
Social media is an essential tool that should be central to your employee acquisition strategy. Today’s talent is looking for opportunities wherever they can; that includes reaching out to their social network on Facebook, as well as their professional network on LinkedIn. If your company has an active Facebook presence, you can use it to post job openings and encourage those already tuned into the property management world to apply for a position.
A huge benefit of social media is the opportunity to provide a look into the day in the life at your company. Don’t be shy about posting pictures from events that happen around the office — perhaps you throw an annual holiday party or summer picnic – these are great opportunities to highlight the fun and creative people that job-seekers can look forward to working with.
3. Remember that Hiring Is an Investment
High-quality employees know when they are in demand, and they can set their expectations accordingly. As the employer, you can set expectations of your own; consider those applicants who have finished a level of education that is commensurate to the type of employment you are offering, and don’t be afraid to make a potentially expensive hire if it means they are the right fit. The worst investment you can make is one that doesn’t give back. If you treat your new hires with respect financially, they will give it their all for your business, and they are far more likely to stick around.
4. Have Technology Requirements for Employees
Regardless of education level, many of the best employees have developed their technology skill set on their own. Never underestimate the power of real-world experience! Attracting people with the right skills is vital, but it’s also essential for you as a property management company to offer technology that is cutting-edge and will keep your employees’ skills up to date. When old technology and outdated tools hinder an employee, they will likely move on to a company that is more innovative.
5. Advertise What Makes You Different
Your benefits package is more important than the salary that you offer in many cases, especially for younger employees who are looking for stability and fun perks. Benefits are a great play for the new generation of workers. If you have a retirement package, you have a definite leg up on your competition. These items are also seen as status symbols for the modern employee so you may be able to lure an elite choice away from a competitor by displaying your benefits on your website.
Happy Searching!
Finding and retaining great employees depends on your ability to use new methods of social outreach, keeping up-to-date with the latest technology trends, and building a solid culture that good employees can rely on. No matter how much of an employment crunch the news reports, there will always be competition for elite employees. Make it the core of your business to keep them happy, and your company and customers will thank you for it.
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Jack Hopkins
I am a Landlord that is using a management company in Phoenix that uses Buildium. I am considering moving to a new property management company that uses Appfolio. Do you have any literature or videos that describe the experience I can expect as an OWNER. Can I easily access anything on my phone or computer. Do I have access to all my property information, including any work orders?
Elizabeth Millar
Appfolio makes it really easy for property management companies to share information with their owners – check out the Owners Feature Page of our website for more:
Ville A
Hi Nat,
I agree with you. Having a solid organization culture is important in having and maintaining happy employees in your company. Property management is not an easy task and we would love to hold on to the employees we have managed to educate in to the profession. I also feel like a successfully happy organization culture will send a message that is going to travel all the way to the final customers.