Author: Elizabeth Millar

Elizabeth Millar is the Marketing Programs Manager for the Community Associations market at AppFolio.

It’s Time to Focus on the Bigger Picture with Mobile Insights and Performance Tracking

Having the right information at the right time is critical to running a successful business, but how often are you…

The 5-Year Plan: A Property Manager’s Secret to Rapid Growth – Webinar Recap

How did one property manager hit hard by the recession bounce back to grow more than 500% in 5 years?…

What’s Going On with Google? SEO for Property Managers – Webinar Recap

The future of your online presence can be scary to think about when it’s in someone else’s hands. Luckily, Google’s…

How Property Managers Can Attract and Retain Top Talent – Webinar Recap

Growing your property management business doesn’t only mean acquiring additional properties and increasing your operation’s efficiency. It is also means…

Property Managers: Build a Better Brand for the Long Haul

As a property manager, it might seem daunting to plan and execute a successful brand strategy. However, it’s a key…

6 Essential Steps to Better Debt Recovery – Property Management Webinar

Recovering delinquent tenant debt is a challenge for many property managers. For most, it’s not worth the extra time and…

5 Reasons to Switch Your Properties to Solar

Solar power is the energy of the future. Clean, renewable, and free, solar is a “fuel” we all need to…

How to Win More Owners and Drive Growth in a Hyper-Competitive Market

Do you think the next five years will be better for your property management business than the last five? If…

How Property Managers Can Prepare for an Unpredictable Future

There’s no denying that we will see big changes in 2017. While the extent of these changes remains unclear, the…

Should You Offer Free Wi-Fi in Your Properties?

Free Wi-Fi is an attractive feature for tenants, but is it worth offering high-speed internet access in your properties, or…