Author: Elizabeth Millar

Elizabeth Millar is the Marketing Programs Manager for the Community Associations market at AppFolio.

Mobilize Your Property Management Business

The times, they are a’changin’. It wasn’t long ago that Internet access was reserved solely for the desktop or laptops…

Prepare for (and Win Big) this Leasing Season

Leasing season is almost upon us, and it can be an overwhelming time for many property managers. Rifling through hundreds…

3 Common Marketing Mistakes Every Property Manager Makes (At Least Once)

People need a place to live as much as they need clothes on their backs. Take a moment to think…

Mobile Marketing: Touring Your Property on a Smartphone

There are plenty of great ways to market a property and get potential renters interested, but the problem is that your…

Find More Renters – Marketing Beyond Craigslist

There’s a general perception that finding residents is easy because renters are relatively abundant and often found within the first few days…

6 Ways to Keep Renters Happy and Improve Resident Retention

Resident Retention is a very important part of property management. Companies that work with apartment complexes know that there will always…

4 Tips for Starting A Property Management Company Website

So you’ve started your property management business and now you need customers. To get customers in the age of digital,…

How to Take Your Building From Pet-Friendly to Pet-Loving

There are a lot of property management companies that advertise their buildings as “pet-friendly.” But what exactly does that mean?…

Advertising Summer Vacancies 101

While some industries have “spring fever,” Real Estate professionals save the craziest time of the year for the summer months….

A Note From Brian Donahoo

By now you may have heard the news that AppFolio has officially been listed as APPF on Nasdaq. We celebrated in our offices with some breakfast a new t-shirt and we all signed an oar.