Category: AppFolio

Congratulations Klaus!

On February 23rd, 2012 Klaus Schauser (our Chief Strategist and Founder) was one of the recipients of the UC Berkeley…

Get to Know Us: Interview with the AppFolio Interaction Design Team

Q. Can you tell us a little about your background? JJ – I am originally from Denver and moved out…

Interview with AppFolio’s Fredrik Valeur, Chief Security Architect

Please tell us a little bit about yourself. I am originally from Norway and I came to the United States…

Interview with Jon Walker, AppFolio’s CTO and Founder

Tell us about your background and how you co-founded AppFolio? Why did you choose to build software for Property Managers?…

Interview with Klaus Schauser, AppFolio Chief Strategist (Part 1)

Klaus Schauser, AppFolio’s Chief Strategist, talks Software as a Service (SaaS) and Cloud Computing and their impact on the property management software space.

Interview with Jerry Zheng, VP Web Operations

Jerry runs the group that designs and builds the AppFolio database infrastructure. His team figures out how to migrate data…

Interview with Nat Kunes, Sr. Product Line Manager

Tell us a little about yourself and your family. I grew up in Simi Valley and have 2 younger brothers….

We Are Capable of More Than We Think: How AppFolio Conquered the 2010 Santa Barbara Marathon

I ran my first marathon when I turned 40. The process of training and completing the marathon reminded me that…

Great People Make A Great Company

“Yes we can.” Regardless of your view on politics you have probably heard this phrase and been inspired by the emotion of someone repeating it. It’s been adopted by everyone from professional sports teams to those seeking to pass school bond measures. Why is it so powerful?

Get To Know Us: Interview with Mike Randolph, VP Services

In this interview with Mike Randolph, VP Services at AppFolio, we get a candid look at the man behind the best support team in property management software.