Category: AppFolio

Hack Day 2017 – An Engineering Odyssey

AppFolio’s biannual Hack Day is back and this year it took on planetary proportions with “Cosmos – Hack Day Odyssey.”…

“Apartmentalizing” with AppFolio at the 2017 NAA Conference

AppFolio wrapped up June and the end of the quarter in style at the National Apartment Association’s Education Conference &…

Making the Difference – A Peek into the Life of an AppFolian

At AppFolio, we work hard to provide our property managers with a game-changing, all-in-one software solution and exceptional customer service….

AppFolio’s 6th Annual Avocado Takedown: May The Best Guac Win

A rowdy gathering of oompa loompas, Ancient Romans and Nintendo characters descended upon 50 Castilian Drive last Friday as AppFolians…

Project Sea Cucumber – AppFolio Agile Product Development Team Goes On the Road in Austin, Texas

Inspired by a longstanding desire to bring our agile development process closer to our customers, we sent an agile development…

Eat. Sleep. Hack. Repeat. AppFolio Gets Back to Basics with Annual Spring Hack Day

Spring’s event (FYI, we hold another Hack Day in the summer with our engineering interns), while technically unthemed, asked participants…

Girls Inc. Stops By AppFolio’s Santa Barbara Office for a Day of Education and Empowerment

Last week, middle school and high school teens from Girls Inc. visited our AppFolio headquarters in Santa Barbara, CA. The organization exposes…

Customer Appreciation: How to Say ‘Thanks’ to Your Most Loyal Customers

About four years ago, we started sending gift baskets to our customers when they celebrated their 5-year anniversary of partnering…

Why Mobile Matters for Property Managers

According to comScore, growth in digital consumption can be traced almost solely to mobile devices. Most internet users now regard…

A Warm AppFolio Aloha from the Annual NARPM Convention!

Last month, AppFolio said aloha to attendees at the Annual NARPM® Convention & Trade Show held in Maui, Hawaii. Property Managers…