Category: Leasing

How to Lease a Home, Not a Unit

Framing conversations with positive language and personalized presentations gives leasing agents an opportunity to “package the property” in an appealing way that resonates with prospective residents.

Finding the Ideal Renter

When it comes to successful property management, finding the ideal renters is not only essential, it’s a common concern among leasing agents. In fact, a survey of property managers and landlords found that 60 percent described finding the right renters as their biggest challenge.

4 Common Challenges When Renting to College Students

Managing properties within a college area can be incredibly lucrative. College towns tend to be excellent fodder for property management companies, because the high maintenance nature of these rental properties often provoke landlords into seeking out professional help. Landlords and property management companies need to anticipate some challenges when renting to college students, but overall it is usually a profitable endeavor.

Is Your Rental Property Prepared for Leasing Season?

May through September are typically the months when most tenants seek new apartment homes, with July and August being the highest volume months. Spring’s arrival signals it’s time for property managers to prepare for increased traffic to view vacancies and to commit resources to encourage lease renewal numbers.

Are Bundled Services Right For Your Property?

The National Cable and Telecommunications Association (NCTA) announced that capabilities for high-speed broadband service is making impressive strides. As of June (2013), almost 93% of US residents had access to high-speed Internet, cable television programming and cable-based home telephone service.

Conducting Tenant Screening the Right Way in 2014

Good tenant screening is absolutely essential for successful property management. A few extra hours screening tenants thoroughly can save you days, weeks or even months of headaches down the line. There are many new services available through 2014 that will help you in conducting thorough tenant screenings, and there are some tips that are always relevant.

Five Considerations for Property Owners When Renting to Students

If you own a rental property near a university or community college, then it’s likely that there’s an abundant pool of students who are looking for off-campus housing. You may have avoided this demographic because for any numbers of reasons, such as their lack of credit history, uncertainty during summer months, and individuality.

Maintain Leasing Momentum with On the Spot Closings

Whether you’re a busy property owner or an even busier property leasing agent, whenever you can have a time saving tool in your back pocket that simplifies the entire leasing process, how can you say no? We’ve seen great strides in the mobile leasing technology realm from basic online applications to our fully streamlined process that takes you right down to digitally signing and closing the lease on the spot. On the spot lease completion simply lands more tenants for many reasons that we’ll explore.

5 Ways Property Managers Can Build Long-Term Relationships with Student Renters

Roughly 30% of students enrolled in traditional on-campus degree seeking programs look for off-campus housing. Students watch the budget, but aren’t looking for low-quality options that mirror cramped dormitories and cafeteria meal plans. Echo Boomers are looking for convenience and quality of life.

Understanding Tenant Psychology

If you’re having trouble connecting with your residents, it might be communication error. According to nationally recognized body language expert Jan Hargrave, and many other professionals who study personality and motivational factors, only 7% of all communication is verbal. It really isn’t the words you say that creates a lasting impression, it is how you say them, your posture and your tone.