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A Promising Future: How the Single-Family Rental Market Has Changed & Where It’s Going

2020 was a year of change and opportunity for the real estate industry. While the industry as a whole has…

Black History Month at AppFolio: Recognizing Black Experiences and Voices

At AppFolio, we know that great people make a great company, and we not only value diversity in backgrounds and…

Boost NOI and Attract Residents with These Capital Improvements

COVID-19 has changed the way society thinks about the spaces where we work and live. What was nowhere near top…

Delivering Exceptional Service in Today’s On-demand Economy

When you’re in real estate management, customer service is the job. So much of your success hinges on whether or…

People, Processes, and Tools: A 3-Step Approach to Staffing and Training

The fact that the property management industry has changed tremendously in recent times is clear, but the ways in which…

3 Tips for Keeping Your Homeowners Connected to their Community Association

As many continue to work remotely and practice social distancing, it remains critical for association managers to stay connected to…

Proptech: An Investment that Pays Dividends in Any Environment

The way we live and work has dramatically changed within the past year, resulting in a host of new requirements…

3 Insights to Revolutionize Your Community Association Management Business

“Business as usual” doesn’t cut it anymore. The community association market is growing rapidly, in fact, 73 million Americans currently…

How Community Associations Can Embrace Tech Today to Serve Homeowners of the Future

As more Millennials have families and Generation Z grows into adulthood, the demand for housing is only going to increase….